The sugar shack experience - Au Chalet en Bois Rond

Sugar Shack

Traditional maple taffy on the snow!

Au Chalet en Bois Rond is proud to have in its tourist village a sugar shack that has been preserved in its authenticity!


Maple Taffy on the Snow

Saturdays from March 22 to April 19, 2025 

From 1 to 3 p.m. 

  • $5 taffy stick
  • Indoor and outdoor music 
  • Indoor and outdoor fire 
  • Snowbank for sliding 

During your stay in our beautiful village, be sure to stop by our charming boutique to pick up some of La Cabane Festive's delicious products: syrup, sugar loaf, candies, lollipops, cones, maple butter and caramel, taffy and much more!

We operate our sugar shack the old-fashioned way, using blowtorches and boilers. In season, and when the weather is mild, the maple water fills the boilers, and we bring it to the sugar shack. Inside, you can smell the sweet steam from our boiler, dip your palette and meet our sugar bowl. You won't want to miss out!

In the village
In the village

Suggested Activities